Our initial idea was to build a viaduct bridge at the back of the layout for the inner most loop which inclines. I really loved the idea of being able to look through the arches to see the passenger steam trains race around the outside track loops. We chose brick to keep the building material consistent though out the layout. Unfortunately (somebody) didn't measure the bridge and the product of my hard labour was unsuitable for our steady and sensible incline. Too late to cut the legs of the viaduct and even if we did, it would be far from a 00 gauge proportion.
Solution - buy another bridge. This time we risked our layout by of picking a stone finish and my does it complement the existing brick features! I also find that the stone finish has more depth. We had the option of supporting single or double track on the bridge but in attempt ration as much space as possible for scenery we chose single track. The fact that it was going to take less assembly time was a bonus. We worked to together on this one start to finish. The end product is exceptional and we are really happy to have completed another piece for our layout. The arch gives enough clearance for a train to go through. In our layout the trains will enter a turn table after passing the arch, it will also disguise a tunnel entrance at the back of our layout. The Metcalfe sets are relatively inexpensive but you compensate for it in time, which if you're anything like me is time well spent.
Next stop double steam engine shed. As for the viaduct, I will probably use the face of it as a background feature to avoid wastage.
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